Thursday 31 January 2013


Four drifters and one teddy couldn't resist another safari, stayed in tents again in the bush and had a braai. Magic

Hluhlhwe and ImfoloZa game parks stretch for 96000ha and cover some fantastic wild areas. They compare with Kruger but different again and not so vast. Hluhlwe is the oldest game park and In 1898 this area was claimed by King Shaka as the first conservation area as this was his hunting ground and he wanted the area to retain its natural status

The RHYTHMS of the bush, vervet monkeys, warthogs, crickets, birds chirping. A giraffe having a morning scratch on a thorn bush, the biggest elephant we have seen sauntering along the track resting her enormous trunk on her tusk to rest it, large giraffes with very long necks and huge rhinos with very long tusks, hyenas out on the prowl BUT no lions. It's just magic listening to the sounds of the bush and having time to sit quietly with these fantastic animals

So as we didnt see lions we had a cuddle with an orphaned cheetah which was very special

Vervet monkeys very cute and very quick. They dive in when people are eating in restaurants and wait above you watching I had left some yoghurt on the deck outside our tent and a cheeky monkey was down licking the plate before I had realised

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